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霸王归来-终极塔防3D 2
WeeMe Studio
WeeMe新免费游戏 悬赏飞车来袭 在这里下载 https://goo.gl/n3MkNp------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2014年塔防重磅巨献,《霸王归来》,超帅超酷超有智慧的3D塔防!!我和小伙伴们再次惊呆了:故事讲述的是汉高祖刘邦得天下后,正安享太平盛世,未料西楚霸王项羽借助邪恶力量复活,挣脱地狱领楚鬼军一路杀回。作为汉军麾下的大将军,你正掌握着整个汉王朝的命运,你的对手已不是昔日只会跨马抡枪的西楚霸主,而是具有吞天噬地黑暗力量的地狱魔王... 游戏特色:1.创新多模式多玩法:经典剧情塔防+兵临城下+单挑敌将,百玩不厌,考验你的智慧,更让你过足手瘾!2.十五张风格多变的3D唯美地图,穿越至魔幻Q版世界Hi翻战场。3.多类攻守塔可造面面俱到,多分支强化升级,烈焰毒气地震无所不有,霸气外露。4.近40种形态技能各异的敌军单位,远近高低各不同,叫声将军提防提防。 5.汉军名将齐上阵,技能各领千秋,高祖御驾亲征助你联手杀鬼。6.数种辅助技能瞬间开启,啪啪……啪啪啪,畅快淋漓。 7.众多天工科技可供提升,强化小塔秒杀鬼军。 8.更多精彩尽在其中…
Demon Avengers TD ANNV. 1.05
WeeMe Studio
********************************************************************************Demon Avengers TD 2nd ANNV. version released,it's now totallyFree!!! Get Free gems in game and challenge all the amazing levels.Also check our new racing game: https://goo.gl/n3MkNp********************************************************************************The Coolest 3D TD game,the most engaging strategy game nowavaliable for Android! Hooray! 【30 kind of towers,40 uniqueenemies,epic 3D battle levels】 In the Ancient time, the easternland of the world was divided into two parts,ruled by King Shadowand King Thunder. For the past years, The two kindoms foughtagainst each other and caused numerous injuries and deaths. OnceKing Shadow,good at strategies, invited King Thunder to dinner todiscuss ending the war. He tempted King Thunder to his castle thenkilled him...King Shadow united the whole land. After death, KingThunder was awakened in the hell by his follower the darkwizard,who own the magic jade.Meanwhile the ghost army was alsoawakened.They were ready to take actions to revenge... 【Highlights】• Classic story mode+ Extra 'EnemyAtGate' mode+Extra 'Fight Boss'mode • Over 30 kind of towers,each has different abilities. • Over40 different enemies,each has own personality. • Fifteen fantastic3D Levels,fight on forest,iceland,desert,and the hell... • Chooseyour favorite hero to fight demons,each with own skills. • Over 20tower technics,gain stars to upgrade your towers. • High definition3D graphics powered by Unity3D. • More levels and heros comingsoon...*************************************************************************Check the intro video before you buy to get a first impression!(The video used an earlier asia version)*************************************************************************